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Load Frames

Load Frames - (SICSLF-01)

Load frames are used to apply load on the test specimen. The capacity and speed depends on the requirement of a particular test. Load frames are used in C.B.R. triaxial, unconfined compression test etc.

Load Frame Capacity 5000KG. (Hand Operated) - (SICSLF-02)

Specifications : The Unit is designed for a maximum load of 5000 kg. and consists of a two speed screw jack mounted in a frame with identical top and base channel pieces so that the unit can be placed either way up and the device can be used for loading from above or from below whichever is convenient. This is a floor model.

Bench Mounting Type Load Frame Capacity 5000 Kg - (SICSLF-03)

Specifications : This is a portable load frame which can easily be kept on laboratory bench. Thus it is very convenient to the user to conduct tests. A motorised screw jack is fixed at the base to which are fixed two vertical pillars which can be easily dismantled. A circular platen of 150 mm dia is fixed to the lead screw and loading and unloading is effected by upward / downward movement of the lead screw using a forward / reverse switch. The cross head is adjustable at any desired height and carries an adaptor for Proving Ring. An adjustable dial gauge bracket is provided on one of the pillars. The rate of strain is constant 1.25 mm/min. Operates on 230 volts A.C.

Load Frame 5000 KGF. (Motorized) With 3 Speeds - (SICSLF-04)

Same as above but provided with 3 rates strains 1.25 mm/min., 1.5 mm/min., & 2.5 mm/min.

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